A good stories always come with good and bad experiences that turns to be memories.


dengan segala junjung ke hadrat illahi . segala puji bagiNya yang sentiasa memerhati hamba2Nya . 

i always remember that 

Allah has create us imperfect. so he does not expect us to be perfect 
he does expect us to try our best .

thsi word keep repeating in my mind . Allah x kan uji hambaNya kalau hambaNya x akan mampu laksanakan . Subhanallah .

setiap ujian yang Allah beri Inshaa Allah aku mampu laksanakan tapi tipulah kalau kita tidak jatuh tergelincir walaupun 0.1% kan?? 
setiap insan ada kelemahan dan kelebihan . sebab itu kita saling melengkapi . mungkin hati dan perassan x dapat dipaksa tp once u fall forr it . susah nak walk away like nothing happened .

saying Good Bye is the most painful way of solving problem .

ok problem ni datang dari diri sendiri . if kita tak rely sangat on that person all this thing x kan berlaku . tp come hell or high water kita kena peringat kan jugak diri kita . mungkin ada sebab semua ni terjadi . Allah knows everything .
just pray for it . semua apa yang berlaku Allah nak sedarkan aku bahawa i still have Him utk rely on not people that easy come easy go .

but perspective seorang perempuan . its hurt me so much . nobody knows except Allah and my Bestfriend . just only two know im hurt so much . 

just be strong . i want to be strong . tapi x senang nak jd kuat . aku penah letak diri ak dalam satu kepompong yang ak sgt pasti x dk sapa akan dpat break through it . but finnaly i step forward because of one person . i move out from my box . but i cant turning back . 

life must go on whatever happened .

im a girl just same with an ordinary girl . of course i cry but rather than being stupid crying for nothing i prefer moved on . just pretend like nothing happened . thats the real of me . 

the more im hurt the more i sujud dekat Allah minta petunjuk dan rahmat . doa yang terbaik untuk hati . kekuatan jiwa dan nurani . itu yang penting . ikatan kita dan Allah . don't break it .

so SMILE ...




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