A good stories always come with good and bad experiences that turns to be memories.


there is a story about two wolves who live in a child body. one wolf are full of evil, greedy, and revenge and the othe wolf is full of goodness. one day a child ask which wolf gonna survive ? so the elder answer......

The one that you feed the most !

we all human. we make mistakes. a lot of mistakes that sometimes we feel there are no other way to banish our sins. but Allah the greatest, He touch our heart slightly with guilt and He open His arm for forgiveness. 

kadang kita terikut evilness dalam diri kita. apa yang orang buat kita teringin nak buat even if benda tu against Allah's rules. we know  yet we still listen to the tiny evil voices inside us. kita buat perkara tersebut dan makin lama makin tenggelam tanpa rasa bersalah. dan suatu hari, Allah jentik perasaan tidak senang hati dalam diri kita. rasa tak kena sesuatu. sesuatu yang hilang. so we seek help from people tp kita lupa pertolongan yang berkuasa vito ada pada siapa. dimana tiada seorang mampu membantu. temu jalan buntu. bengang. baran. sakit hati. then, Allah jentik lagi sedikit rasa resah. lonely.loner. He makes us think what we want, who we want to be. kita cari pertolongan lagi masih tak jumpa. rasa nak fed up. then, Dia jentik rasa rindu dalam diri but not to human. indescribable. tak tahu apa punca. 

sebenarnya Dia nak kita cari satu benda sahaja ............


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fly high


less than 2 weeks and foe exact date next saturday 15/8 i'm gonna fly to US. exchange student programme. instead of excitement i'm more to fear. takut. hoping that everything gonna be find and the transit, i'm not lost. byk benda nak fikir. what about food there? solat, friends, org melayu ade ke tak, this all the question with no answer.

org ckp benda yang paling mahal adalah experience. yes pegi bukan sebab suka-suka nak pergi. all the hardworks terbalas. susah sgt nak apply program ni. tapi apa yang tanam dalam diri. usaha je nanti Allah akan balas dengan berita gembira. usaha doa.

org x akan nampak usaha kita yang org nampak adalah hasil sahaja. kita diri sendiri tahu bagaimana kita usaha semua ni. mcm tu juga dgn kehidupan. we can't expect people always there for us. we need to stand by ourself. kalau diri sendiri x kuat mcm mna kita nak jd motivation dekat org terdekat. i love listening to people's stories sbb dari situ kita sedar yang kita rasa hidup kita susah sgt tp ada lg org yang lg susah dari kita. from that we know how to be grateful. thank you Allah for giving me such beautiful life journey.

maturity comes from thinking skills not from the age.

till next time,
the one who want to be better

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