that's what people always said every time New Year is approaching yet nobody seem to change theirself nor their life style.
dah lama tinggal kan blog ni since 2016. that time i was only 22 years old and now im 26 years old struggling to survive in harsh reality life and challenge being one of the population in KL City. the very Concrete jungle full with pencemaran and uncivilised people. well nak cerita bab civil ni semua negeri sama je but here tempat berkumpul dari setiap pelosok Malaysia dan negara jiran.
common sense is a punishment not a blessing.
this year i try to achieve a lot of things i dream of. semoga pejalan seorang Peng sebagai pendidik yang berdedikasi berjalan dengan mudah. approaching mid Feb and yet im still dazed with new environment.
so apa yang specialnya 2020 ni aside from siri Corona Virus yang outbreak disebabkan kebodohan manusia itu sendiri?
tahun ni kita sepatutnya ada kereta terbang but 2020 is not the 2020 we pictures when we were kid. dont we? the 2020 we live on is still just another same old year we try to survive. still to many gelandangan di mana mana. masih financial unstable. masih menggunakan kereta mak ayah. masih dihujung bulan makan megi dan masih keanak anakkan dalam menulis di media sosial.
apa - apa pun 2020 bawa kepada kita. one thing we must remember
bak kata naim daniel dekat AJL 34 ' jika niat kita baik maka baik lah karya kita, jika niat kita tidak baik maka tidak baik lah karya kita'
hidup atas jalan cerita sendiri bukan menggunakan jalan cerita org lain dan diolah seperti badut untuk woke and savage as millenials like to claim. we all born like a plain white paper ready to be paint with life. so paint them with colors, bright colors not dark fake colors.
live your life happily
peng 2020
10:08 PM |
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