A good stories always come with good and bad experiences that turns to be memories.


 Assalamualaikum dan good evening.

it's 6.20 pm on Tuesday evening right after Raya Haji which i have a plenty of daging qurban semalam. back on the topic about age. On Raya Haji aku visit family belah abah. Then i was surpise by my other cousin which is a year or 2 years younger than me nak bertunang next weekend and i already have a 23/24 cousin who married to their loves one. by the time aku cakap wow tahniah mak ndak and salam sebab dah nak balik, dia cakap terima kasih semua. Tapi ada satu ayat that made me stunt for a moment and think why do all women in my age or women who is approaching my age panicking about getting married and starting to post on "twitjodoh". the line goes "Semoga dipercepatkan bertemu jodohnya" . 

i mean that is the good Du'a la kan but for some reason i felt failed and sad and emotionally hurt. Because for myself i never think that at certain age if you are not getting married or you don't have any partner you will be single till your death bed. 



love never knows time, age, darjat and most of it it's pure if you know how to grow love. even if i got married at age 40. i would be happy with my love one because finding someone who has the perfect flaws for my love is not easy. so why people so afraid of not getting married at mid 20s? sebab social pressure macam ni la. you make people felt failed in their lfe just because they didn't find love at the suitable age to get married. sapa kata kahwin ni tertakhluk pada umur 24-27 ja? 

kahwin is for all range of ages. if i got married at old age. we will be kedut together. i dont care. 

so don't judge people on why they choose not to get married yet.

why she choose this man to be hers. 

sebab ciptaan tuhan tu indah. pertemuan antara dua insan tu indah. pertalian cinta tu indah. even she/he wants someone who is older/younger than her/his. that's okay because love is love. 

tapi satu ja. 

STOP CHILD MARRIAGE!! that is not okay. 

Andai suatu hari nanti kita kekal bersama. Percaya lah i'd fight against all odds to be with you. i have thought about a lot of things that could happen between us. and foremost is it possible for us? whatever happen between is possible? or it just me and my imagination.

sebab apa. sebab i am a thinker. 

ciptaan tuhan indah

Indah lagi kalau kita 

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yang jujur,


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